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Dakota Craig – My Winter Season in America 2016/2017

This season for was great, it had some highs and lows as does any sport. It started out with New Year’s Eve trip through to Breckenridge Colorado, this is where we were based for the season. I spent a month riding at Copper Mountain as the halfpipe at Breck wasn’t open yet. This was really good to get my board back under my feet and back in the pipe before my next comp which was in Mammoth. We worked hard on getting my spins back to where they were when I left our New Zealand season. We worked on some technical drills to help me get back to being in the pipe and back to where I was. We worked on my spinning out of the pipe to help with my competition run in mammoth and work towards a run I was happy with.



On the 29th of January after spending the night in San Francisco with a good friend of mine, we started our road trip through to Mammoth. A 6-hour long drive that ended up taking us 8. The next day we had registration and our first practice day. This day was our day for getting used to an unfamiliar pipe and the feeling of how this pipe was riding and the flow of it. The second day was a great day riding I was able to put my run down and felt good with what I was working with. Due to weather, they ended up pulling the girl’s halfpipe competition forward after the skiers had finished their run, which was a good call as the weather turned for the worst for the next 3 days and they weren’t able to hold any of the events. I ended up coming 31st which I was really happy with considering it was my first international competition. I stayed on in Mammoth the following week as we had Mammoth rev there the following week. Unfortunately, the weather decided not to cooperate this week either and we had a lot of rain which cause on of the pipe walls to collapse and the morning of the pipe comp they decided to dig it out. We ended up competing at about 1 pm in the afternoon which wasn’t ideal but we dealt with it. Let just say those two weeks were very interesting weeks but I had a lot of fun and learnt a lot about what a very fun mountain Mammoth is to ride.


I’m very much looking forward to our season back here at home. I am Excited to compete in The Cardrona games and The Audi Quattro games for the second time. Can’t wait to accomplish some more tricks in the pipe. Just would like to Thank all my sponsors for this season: Torpedo 7, K2 Snowboards, Smith Optics!






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