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New Life Jacket and Alcohol Laws For Auckland Boaties

Come Labour Weekend 2014, boaties around Auckland will be forced to rethink their views on life jackets and alcohol consumption while out at sea. The Auckland City Council’s Navigation Safety Bylaw 2014 has introduced some new laws, two in particular,  that will force skippers to become more responsible for the safety of those on board their boats.

Here are the following rules that will most effect Auckland boaties:

From Labour weekend 2014 it will be compulsory to wear a life jacket when on board a vessel 6m or under in length, unless the skipper of that vessel gives you permission not to.

Other key changes in effect from Labour weekend include:

  • it will be compulsory to carry a communication device
  • it will be an offence for anyone to be in charge of a vessel who is intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
  • improving the management systems for moorings.

You can read the full Navigation Safety Bylaw here.

So before you head out on your boat this Labour Weekend, make sure you’ve got enough life jackets for everyone on board and that they’re wearing them if on a boat under 6m, make sure you’ve got a communication device with you and leave the alcohol consumption to your passengers.

Andy Spear

Andy Spear

Fishing Category Manager / Buyer


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