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  5. A Day Hiker's Essential Gear List

Day hikes are a great way to get amongst the outdoors, keep active and see some amazing scenery. No matter where you are there will be a day hike somewhere near you. You don’t have to be an experienced tramper to go on a day hike, nor do you need loads of gear.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Hiking Boots – For a day hike a pair of sneakers are fine if you’re just starting out. Make sure they are comfortable and you don’t have any pressure points on your feet from the shoes. If you want to go hiking regularly then a pair of decent hiking boots is definitely something worth investing in; experienced hikers understand the importance of a great pair of hiking boots.

• Socks – Blisters will ruin your entire day. Make sure you have a pair of blister free breathable socks – merino socks are ideal.

Backpack – For a day hike you’ll only need a small backpack around 25 liters as you won’t need to carry too much gear. A backpack with a waist belt is best as this means most of the weight from your backpack will sit on your hips not your shoulders.

• Clothing – What you wear on your hike completely depends on the weather and what you feel comfortable in. Some people prefer to wear pants and reduce the risk of cuts/scratches, while others wear shorts all year round. A breathable shirt is also great but it pays to be prepared for all elements by taking warmer clothes such as a fleece jersey.

• Waterproof Jacket – Even if you’re hiking in summer, you should always carry a jacket with you. Ideally the waterproof jacket is breathable, as you will get hot from hiking. Jackets are also lightweight and pack down reasonably small so there’s no excuse to go hiking without one.

• Food – You’ll need to carry a packed lunch made of easy to eat high-energy foods. It’s also great to carry lots of snacks that will keep your energy levels up and you can eat while walking. Types of snack foods include nuts, chocolate or Gu Chomps.

• Water – It’s definitely important to keep hydrated. Whether you carry a number of water bottles or you have a hydration bladder in your backpack, carry lots of water with you.

• First Aid – This kit can be as big as you want it to be but should include sunscreen, insect repellent, bandages and it’s always handy to carry some plasters (incase you do get blisters).

If you check out the Department of Conservation (DOC) site for New Zealand or the Australian National Park website you’ll find all the information you need on the hiking tracks available. The information provided will often state the distance of the walk, the approximate time it will take to complete and the level of the track. This way you can confidently prepare yourself for your hike ahead, take the appropriate equipment and find a track that best suits your skill level.

A few more tips:
• A small flashlight can be useful
• If the track is hilly or the terrain is rocky, a walking pole can provide more support
• Always have a fully charged phone and make sure someone knows where you’re going
• Check the weather forecast and be prepared
• Be sun smart – sunscreen, sunhat and sunglasses
• If you think there’s a chance you could get lost take a map and a compass

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With the weather slowly getting warmer and daylight savings just around the corner, summer will be here before we know it. The warmer weather does make hiking more enjoyable.

Whether it’s the Tongariro Crossing or your hiking the Grand Canyon at the Blue Mountains there are some amazing day hikes around New Zealand and Australia.

See you out there!


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