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Finding Adventure at the Torpedo7 Spring Challenge

Register for Spring Challenge North

Register for Spring Challenge South (SOLD OUT)

There are some moments in life that are a catalyst to a whole new set of adventures – that culminate in achieving something you would never have previously thought possible.

A major one for me came four years ago when a friend asked if I’d be up for doing the six-hour Torpedo7 Spring Challenge in Queenstown. “Six hours?” I queried in trepidation. That seemed like a long time to be rafting, hiking and mountain biking.

Other questions I asked myself were – where would the mum of two young children, who was working part-time, find the time for training? Would I be able to keep up with my younger (child-free) team mates? Did I have enough skills to complete the course?

I started a manageable training schedule that fitted around my other commitments and found myself looking forward to the missions with my team mates and other friends. Slowly but surely my fitness began to improve.


Living in Wanaka there are always beautiful places to hike and lots of great ladies always up for an adventure. This is Rocky Mountain with me, Sally Currie (middle) and Kattis Nicholson (right).


The morning of the race, the girls and I were a bundle of nerves. Again the self-doubt questions clamoured. Did we have enough food in our backpacks? Could we find the checkpoints on the map we had received the night before? How scary would the rafting leg be?


Big grins but butterflies in our tummies before the Torpedo7 Spring Challenge Queenstown with my team mates (from left) Anna McConville, me and Loz Aubrey.


I’ll always remember that race start – running down to the river in our wetsuits, hearts pounding as we leapt into the rafts and paddling furiously down the Kawarau River. We panted and puffed; we got wet; we yahooed down the rapids and before long it was time to transition to the hike.

The navigation went well on the short stage and we located the checkpoints quickly as we trotted along towards the bike transition and pedalled up into the hills. My minimal bike skills made for a few hairy moments as we slithered down some slippery slopes but encouragement from my more proficient team mate Loz, turned my squeals of fear into shouts of triumph, as I managed to stay in the saddle.


Our support crew were wonderful. They had all our gear and food laid out ready for us and sent us on our way with lots of encouragement!


Reaching the final hike transition, we realised our rookie team were in the top three and determination to do well spurred us up a steep climb. I won’t lie, it was tough and at times I felt like curling up on the hillside in an exhausted ball but my amazing team mates encouraged me onwards … and upwards.

A navigational blunder (on my behalf) had dropped us back in the pack, although it did not dampen our enthusiasm as we charged down the other side of the hill to the finish line. Linking arms, grins plastered on our sweaty faces, we crossed it in fifth place.


Best feeling running towards the finish line of the Torpedo7 Spring Challenge Queentown with my awesome team mates Anna McConville (left) and Loz Aubrey (middle).  


The satisfying feeling of accomplishment and post-race euphoria overwhelmed the three of us, as we huddled in a team hug, surrounded by friends and family congratulating us.

It’s an addictive sensation and one that saw me sign up for a further two Spring Challenges, then progress to multi-day racing to take on the two-day Red Bull Defiance in Wanaka twice.


At the finish line of the 2016 Red Bull Defiance with my team mate Billie Haresnape (right).


Earlier this year I achieved my ultimate goal of finishing second in team Best Foot Forward NZ in the 350km Godzone Adventure Pursuit Race. Co-incidentally the 2017 Godzone was also held in Queenstown – back where it all began for me. I had gone from wondering whether I could last six hours, to racing for three and a half days, nearly non-stop.


Jumping into an inflatable kayak on a Godzone Adventure Pursuit Race leg. I managed to convince my seasoned adventure racing partner Bob McLachlan (right) to captain our novice team.


My first Torpedo7 Spring Challenge was the spark that ignited my desire for adventure; my love of missions in the hills with friends; my belief that I was capable of finishing tough races, with the right preparation and mind-set.

What will the 2017 Torpedo7 Spring Challenge inspire you to do?

*Torpedo7 can help kit you out for all the gear you need for whatever Spring Challenge adventure you choose.

Gear for the 3 hour race:


Gear for the 6 hour race:


Gear for the 9 hour race:



Written by Cat Pattison


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